Bar foot rails are crucial yet often overlooked elements that significantly enhance your bar’s visual appeal. You’ll discover a variety of bracket styles that can transform the look of both commercial and residential bars. Choose your brackets based on the aesthetic effect you aim to achieve, their functionality, and the specifics of their installation process.
Preferred by many bar owners, these brackets offer sturdy mounts for both face and floor, providing reliable support in high-traffic areas. They can be installed easily without the need for back-bar access. The brackets maintain a consistent six-inch elevation from both the floor and bar face, with elbow joints at the corners for seamless integration.
Bar mount brackets attach right to the front of your bar. They are the simplest to clean under and help make your bar look unique. A big advantage of using bar mount brackets is that you can set them at any height you need, which is great if you need brackets taller than the usual 6 inches. Most other brackets are fixed at a certain height from the floor, but these can be adjusted. To install these brackets, you must be able to get to the back of the bar because they need a threaded bolt at the back for support.
If you thought that floor mount brackets are attached to the floor, you’re right! Like combination brackets, they don’t require access to the back of the bar for installation. Floor mount brackets also offer the flexibility to position them nearer or further from the bar’s facing as needed. Using a floor mount bracket minimizes any risk of damaging the bar that could occur with direct rail mounting. When installed correctly, the bar rail will be positioned 5.5 to 6 inches above the floor.
Center post brackets are great for use as either a bar foot rail or bar handrail. Their low-profile design makes them extra versatile. These brackets are approximately 4 inches in total height. Center post brackets sit approximately 3.5 inches from the floor, bar facing, or wall that they are mounted upon to the center of the tubing. They can fit in tight spaces, be used as bar handrail, or be used as foot rail for bars with lower chairs or stools.
Contemporary brackets are our most adaptable style, offering a sleek, modern look for either bar-front or floor mounting. They install with three screws and a threaded bolt from behind for bar setups, or just with screws for floor setups. These brackets are perfect for exploring different mounting options for your bar rail.
If you have questions about bar rail, you’re in the right place. Our team of experts in bar rail has compiled a list of the most common questions we receive from individuals embarking on a new project.
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